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Home » Do Low-Wage Employers Discriminate Against Applicants With Criminal Records?

Do Low-Wage Employers Discriminate Against Applicants With Criminal Records?

Do Low-Wage Employers Discriminate Against Applicants …

I wanted to see if employers in the low-wage labor market in Washington, D.C. treated job applicants differently based on where they lived. To do this, I conducted a study called a “correspondence study.”

In a correspondence study, researchers send out fake applications for jobs. The applications are identical except for one key difference, which is the characteristic they’re interested in studying. In this case, I looked at the distance between the applicant’s address and the job location. I wanted to see if employers were more likely to call back applicants who lived closer to the job, even if they had the same qualifications.

This kind of study is really helpful because it allows researchers to control for other factors that might affect an employer’s hiring decision, like the applicant’s skills or experience. It helps us see if there’s a real pattern of discrimination based on location, without getting confused by other variables.

The results of my study showed that employers in Washington, D.C.’s low-wage labor market were significantly more likely to call back applicants who lived closer to the job. This suggests that employers in this market may be discriminating against applicants based on their distance from the job. This discrimination could have serious implications for workers who live further away from job opportunities, especially those who may already be facing challenges finding work due to low wages or lack of access to transportation.

It’s important to remember that this study only looked at one specific area, Washington, D.C., and only at the low-wage labor market. More research is needed to see if this pattern of discrimination exists in other places and across different industries. However, the results of this study do raise concerns about the potential for spatial bias in hiring practices, and it highlights the importance of looking for ways to make sure that all job applicants have a fair chance at getting a job, regardless of their location.

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